Thursday, May 18, 2006

Me and my organized self!!

Last few days have been hectic with loads of things happening but the good thing is that the CLASS has materialized so yeay!
I also had a conversation with this random chick in my class about going to Goa I would ever go with her:S
And ya I must mention I like my new "organized" self...with like a million lists to fall back on even though I HATE lists....Its ironic
Also V is coming to Delhi on the 5th...should be fun but then again I haven't met her for years so my fingers are crossed.
Thought I would write a long post....5 days since I last posted but now I don't feel like.
So I wont.
Its just one of those random moods that overtakes the brain and makes me behave like this.
But whatever.
I am happy this way !!!


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